Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Un millon de amigos

(8) Yo quiero tener un millón de amigos, y así más fuerte poder cantar
Yo quiero tener un millón de amigos.... (8)

No un millón, no quiero. Un millón es demasiado, no entrarían en las cenas en mi casa, en las invitaciones al cine siempre sería difícil coordinar el momento adecuado para ir. Y no me quedarían días libre, porque seguro que cada día hay algo que hacer con ellos.

Me bastan menos, muchos menos. Una cantidad que entre en mi casa cuando quiera celebrar que me la compre. Que sean suficientes para no sentir que me faltan amigos, pero no demasiados como para olvidarme de quienes son.

Que no sea uno, porque si ese se va de mi lado, me quedo solo en la mitad de la vida. Yo quiero que mínimo 2, pueden ser hasta 10. Pero que cada uno signifique algo en mi corazón. No me importa si no nos vemos en meses, o si nos vemos cada día.

Lo que me importa es que cuando nos hablemos o veamos, haya una conexión, un lazo una historia. Que las horas o minutos juntos, sean de mucha alegría y satisfacción, aún cuando alguno este triste, porque esa sensación de alegría me ayudará a mejorar mi tristeza.

Siempre pensé que los amigos son inamovibles, que son siempre igual de amigos. Pero con el tiempo entendí que los amigos, como todo lo demás, cambian. A veces nos sentimos mejor, a veces un tanto incómodos. Hay momentos en los que hablamos más y otros en los que hablamos menos.

Pero reconozco al amigo, porque a pesar del tiempo y el espacio que nos separan, el abrazo que nos une es siempre fuerte y sincero. Los momentos compartidos siempre laten en el corazón y en los momentos que lo necesito y lo llamo siempre está allí para atenderme.

Hay mucha gente que lleva la amistad de una manera distinta, mucho más personal. Con mucha más interacción en el tiempo y con mucho más esfuerzo por construir los lazos de amistad. Yo debo admitir que para este tipo de personas soy un mal amigo, pero no lo hago con intensión... Solo soy una persona que no se preocupa del tiempo y que cree vale más un excelente momento que 100 años de compañía solitaria.


Thursday, December 10, 2009


I'm drowning, sinking on the bottom of sea. Covered with 100 thousand opinions that are pushing me down, far from the surface, far from the air. While I drown, I wonder how did this happen, how all those opinions reached me, or if I reached them why now I'm sinking.

Feeling like an egg chased by thousand of "want to get inside"'s sperms. They knock on my door, ring my bell, stick their faces on my window, while I hide inside my little house that seems is going to crash soon.

There is pause, a silence, most like inside me. And I take a decision, not knowing if is the best one or not, but taking it... My house explode, with it the windows, the door, the bell the sperm, the sea.

I have to start from the scratch, build again my ideas about the world and myself... Somebody told me is never late to start, and I believe it, because at the end it doesn't feel like a start at least this time the knowledge of how to build a house is within me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When I close my eyes

When my last breath would approach to me, hopefully in a warm cozy bed, I would close my eyes for the very last time, and while doing so I would like to think of my life.

I don't want be known by many, neither to have a big funeral. No, I don't want the flowers on my tomb, most likely I wont have one, and even if I do... It doesn't matter because what is there is not me, I would be gone.

What I want to do in that very last moment, is to think if on the course of all those years that I had the opportunity to live I helped someone to change. I don't want to think on those things I could have changed, because things are easy to change back. I know I can't think of lives I changed, because it doesn't depends on me, just on that person.

But what I would really like to know is that I finally use that wonderful and mysterious energy network that interconnect us like the drops of the ocean. That I use it to reach someone, a one that decide to change because saw hope. A one that decide to embrace the mysteries of life even when the fear was sitting just beside.

I want to close my eyes and see it, may be knowing who that person is or may be not, it really doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be a great change, it doesn't have to be noticeable at all. What would matter to me is to know that I reached that person and I helped or I would still help on the process of becoming a happier person.

I want to die like the flowers, knowing that they gave something from themself to the world. It could be the perfume, it could be the seed, it could be the simple act of becoming a resting place for a random bug... It doesn't matter what I would give if is something from myself.
