Friday, June 8, 2012

Letting it go

We go through life learning many things
Some of them are taught in school,
Others on life's path.
For the tougher ones, we get no preparation. They arrive, without us anticipating it and let us struggle.

One of those is the art of letting go...
Saying goodbye isn't an easy thing, there is a bonding that will break and a nostalgy that will instantly form.

Memories that will follow us like ghostly images from the past. Images that imprinted themselves and recall moments that are dearest to us.

Nostalgy will find a place on our hearts, it will play sad tones and sing about the wonderful moments that are no more.

An instant, that intense moment when the final goodbye comes. That is the hardest part, the one we fear the most.

It is all this that prevent us from embracing change, because we know we will have to let go: people, place, objects.

Ultimately, this is why make us uncomfortable about death. Not being able to escape that form of letting go, is indeed a powerless sensation.

Let it go...
Sounds easier
Gets harder


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