Tuesday, December 25, 2012

An enlightened moment


The more I try to explain and understand it the less I can express what it is.

It is like a koan, with no apparent sense or meaning, yet complete and astonishing.

Is feeling fear and breaking free within it.

It is smiling from the heart in a quite challenging yoga posture.
Like a yogi teacher told me once.

Enlightenment is the understanding that happens in the soul.

It is like the wind, the moment you hold onto it, it vanishes.

Is a happy heart, a fulfilled soul and a relaxed mind.

I heard all these words before, and they sounded mystical, beautiful, but far beyond reality.

But sometimes...

Just sometimes, something within me awakes to that reality, and it all simply makes sense.

It happens in a fraction of a second.
During breakfast or lunch.
In madness or comfort.
After hundred meditative hours or after a wild party with friends.

Basically, it could happen whenever and wherever. I can't force it or create it.

All that seems to help is: foster positive thoughts, be open to myself and relax when possible - and yet, I'm not sure if all that really helps.


But rest assured that it is worthy.

Because even when you won't understand a thing about it, neither be able to express it fully...

Is in that very moment, when everything seems to make perfect sense.


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