Sunday, October 5, 2008

The river flows, The wind blows

The river goes over the earth, usually snaking around. Making long trips from where it start to find the sea. Over it trip it gets to know several things. It meets and give live to many different animal by hosting them inside. It goes all the way long passing terrains with different shapes, forms, and textures. Each of them change it way, make it stronger or weaker, split it in many different part, make it flow over houses and town. But the river keeps focus on reaching the same target. It doesn't know exactly how long it will take, and neither care about it. It just keeps going, facing all the obstacles on it way to the final point.

The wind goes over the earth, on top of many other things. It is not looking for a target, just traveling around. It makes circles all over places, it split and join back several time on each stage of it life. Provides a traveler path to whom will need it. Things goes on it, from one place to another, to places that are far away from each other. It born and dies in a very random way, but the wind doesn't care about that, it just blows thing from one place to another.

Sometimes they meet each other on their way, the wind gives a nice glance to the river, they share the same route for a while, holding each other close. The rivers give more humidity to the wind, and this in returns shake it. But that moment doesn't last for ever, the river on its will of reaching the sea, tries to keep the same path. The wind, whom is more flexible, abandon the path always to smoother places, because at the end the wind doesn't need to reach the sea.

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