Friday, October 30, 2009

Acuerdo del herido de amor (paulo coelho)


A] Teniendo en cuenta que es absolutamente cierto el dicho que dice que "todo se vale en el amor y la guerra";

B] Teniendo en cuenta que en la guerra contamos con la Convención de Ginebra, aprobada en 22 de agosto de 1864, que determina la suerte de los heridos en los campos de batalla y que no existe acuerdo alguno hasta el día de hoy en el que se promulgue que hacer con los heridos de amor, que son mucho más comunes;

POR ESTE MEDIO SE declaró que:

ART. 1 - Todos los amantes, hombres o mujeres, están siendo notificados de que el amor, además de ser una bendición, también es algo muy peligroso, imprevisible y capaz de causar graves daños. En consecuencia, el que decide amar tiene que saber que su cuerpo y su alma están expuestos a muchos tipos de heridas y no podrá culpar a la pareja en ningún momento, ya que el riesgo es igual para ambos.

ART. 2 - Una vez que una flecha perdida del arco de Cupido golpea a una persona, esa persona tiene que pedir de inmediato el arquero que lance otra flecha en la dirección opuesta, de modo que no caigan presa de la herida muy conocida por el nombre "amor no correspondido". En caso de que Cupido se niegue a dicho acto, el Acuerdo aquí promulgado exige que los heridos inmediatamente extraigan la flecha de su corazón y la tiren a la basura.

Nota: A fin de lograr este efecto, los heridos deben evitar llamadas telefónicas, mensajes de Internet, envío de flores, o cualquier otro acto de seducción, ya que estos actos pueden generar resultados a corto plazo, pero, inevitablemente, desaparecen con el tiempo. La convención declara que el herido debe buscar rápidamente la compañía de otras personas a fin de controlar el pensamiento obsesivo "de que aún vale la pena luchar por esta persona".

ART. 3 - En caso de que la herida viene de terceros, es decir, el ser querido está interesado en alguien que no estaba previsto en el plan pre-establecido, queda expresamente prohibido cualquier acto de venganza. En este caso, se permite la utilización abundante de lágrimas, algunos puñetazos en la pared o en la almohada, hablar con amigos, situación donde los heridos pueden libremente insultar a la ex-pareja, afirmar su total falta de buen gusto, pero absteniéndose de reducir el honor de la pareja.

NOTA: El acuerdo determina que el art. 2 también se puede aplicar: los heridos puede buscar la compañía de otras personas, preferentemente en lugares que la pareja no frecuente.

ART. 4 - En caso de heridas leves, clasificado como pequeñas traiciones, pasiones fulminantes que no duran mucho tiempo, el desinterés o la disfunción sexual transitoria, uno tiene que aplicar de forma rápida y abundantemente un medicamento llamado Perdón. Una vez aplicado este medicamento, nunca se debe mirar atrás y el tema debe ser olvidado por completo, nunca se debe mencionar como un argumento en las peleas eventuales o en momentos de ira.

ART. 5 - En el caso de las heridas definitivas, también llamado "Fin de la relación", la única medicina verdaderamente capaz de curar el corazón es el Tiempo. Es inútil e ineficaz tratar de encontrar consuelo con los adivinos (que siempre alegan que el amor perdido volverá), libros románticos (en el que los finales siempre son felices), telenovelas u otras cosas similares. Uno tiene que sufrir con intensidad, evitando completamente el uso de drogas, calmantes. El consumo de alcohol sólo está permitido con moderación, no superando más de dos vasos de vino al día.

DISPOSICIÓN FINAL: los heridos de amor, al contrario de los heridos de guerra, no son víctimas ni verdugos. Ellos han elegido algo que es parte de la vida y por lo tanto tienen que hacer frente la agonía y el éxtasis de su elección.

Y para aquellos que nunca fueron heridos por el amor, nunca podrán decir: "he vivido". Porque no han vivido.

Por Paulo Coelho
Traducido por Vero.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The reality we buy

One day I woke up and I was a bird
I wanted to learn how to fly so looked around
No one in my world was flying.
With the time I gave up that wish
I became like the others.
One day a foreigner came
and ask me: do you fly?
I said: That's for birds.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The purpose of life

Here I am, with the left wrist injure (who knows how did it happen). Writing a post while I keep listening the very same song over and over. I'll like (at least for this time) to tell the story behind it. If you prefer to just read the post, then jump to the section THE POST :)

Few days ago: I read an article about a Russian politician planning to release some chemical mist on the clouds, with the purpose of avoiding the winter snow falling in Moscow this year. After that I couldn't be more hopeless about power and money held by the wrong ones. Mood goes blue, thinking what should life be about if we end up giving our power to some else that we don't even evaluate while choosing him/her...

Yesterday Afternoon: I find a nice song, thanks to the post of my brother. I start listening and it connects me to something I can't really explain, but it felt like sadness at the beginning and turns into calm later on. I decide to make my afternoon a Non Doing Afternoon. Just relax in the couch and listen to the very same song over and over (actually video in youtube which I needed to restart over and over)

Last night: After couple of hours of nothingness I start doing energy visualizations. I had recently a cold, somewhere on my lower ribs I have a pain, and now my wrist hurts me... Something was out of place on me, so better to empower me with positive energy. Is then when I realized I was missing emptiness, nothingness as the bridge that connects me with myself... After many month I finally got a really deep long sleep, no dreams, no midnight woke up, just peaceful sleep.

Today: Woke up with a strange desire of an autumn walk along the river and the same piano song sticked on my head... Is getting cold and is grey over here, but my brain had this idea and I couldn't do anything to make it change. I pack a portable device to listen to other chillout songs, (I though it would be better to give it a rest to the piano song). I start walking along the river and is on there when I realized what is this post all about.

While growing up we try to find the answer of the question what are we here for? what is the purpose of my life? There are many persons that die without knowing it or even achieving what they though was the purpose.

Some of us, maybe the most of us, have as a goal on life to be happy. While walking on the river I realized that the real purpose should be to share happiness with the target to make others happy. Is then when the memories of past conversation appears and I could hear on my head all those persons I met and were complaining about giving everything I am to someone with the purpose of making that other one happy and not feeling happy at all.

Those memories didn't change my conclusion, just force me to expand the definition. And yes, I do share the same purpose, but I for sure don't share the way of doing it. I believe that for us to be able to help other to be happy we must be happy. So giving ourself away, or doing huge sacrifices is not exactly the way to be happy.

Working hard to make others happy required an awaken mind. A mind that could choose to smile over the grumpiness. That will see the beauty of the sun and the beauty on the rain. We need to stay happy to be able to cheer up some one. We must stay tunned with happiness most of the time, and that seems, now days, a difficult task.

There are so many people outside your door, and in you circle of friends wishing for happiness. Maybe you might not be able to make them completely happy, maybe they wont be ever happy. But while you do your best effort to stay tunned with happiness to share it with others, you are going to feel better, and sooner than latter you are going to touch someone's life and those will be happy too and the message would spread.

So try hard to be happy, not just for yourself. But for the poor ones, for the homeless one, for the orphans, for your friend, for you lover, for your mom. Because everyones need to be love, and love grows in a fertile land called happiness and that happiness can only exist on the sharing of it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For any one that can answer: how does it feel?

How does life look like when you have walked long enough to understand the cycles of the seasons, the cycles of the sun. The rotation of the earth with the combination of the moon.
How does life look like when you are old enough to have seen all different types of eclipse, when you have seen someone born and the very same one die. When you have plant a seed and have harvest from the tree that grew from it.

Does life look more simple? or does it look more majestic?
Does life become a different thing, or it keeps looking the same over the time...
I have seen some of this things, others I'm still waiting for them to show into my life. But sometimes I try to check if I see life different, but I don't really remember how did it look like before.

I can't remember if few years back the trees where greener, or if the wind use to blow stronger. I don't know, if few years ago my skin use to look smoother. And I'm wondering if is just me who is missing those changes or there is someone else that doesn't remember some stuff.

I have the feeling that life is passing by, but I not able to see it properly. It draws itself as month and years passing, but what does that mean in real terms? what does it mean to a tree to know on which month are we? does it grow slower or faster if it knows it might miss the summer or overcome the winter?

How does it feel to be immortal? to watch many generations raise and disappear, to live long enough to see the same things happening over again. To harvest the same tree over and over, and watch how the leafs are gone when the winter comes. Do we finally understand the meaning of life? or we keep wondering forever what should we do with that thing that people call life and came without instructions the day we were born.
