Monday, May 14, 2012

Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness
spread all around the world
dripping into ones live 
like the waves in the water.
One random act of kindness
will soften your heart 
allowing it to breath once again

Touch someone's soul and yours would also be shaken
like the vibrating note in the air, 
that make the guitar and the piano sync into one rhythmic compass

It was under the tree that I discovered the meaning
not that I was looking for it, but it fell like the apple from the tree,
had such simplicity that I disregarded it immediately
What a fool I was!

After that, I have walked several year
trying to find an answer that was given even before I had asked.
Found many lovers that tried to explain it,
teachers that show me the path when I wasn't prepared to see it.

only to discover that it was even harder to grasp,
bet the most important and purposely lost it
but couldn't understand it

Though it had to be that particular tree
the one that inspired it on my childhood time.
Only there could I find once again,
the meaning of it

And under my tree,
my dearest childhood tree
found a young lady
a beautiful one
that was,
sat under a veil of wisdom

Wanted to explain her all I had gone through to get here and now
how many years had passed, how many stories I had lived,
why this all meant so much too me...

But as a random act of kindness sat next to her,
explained the enchanted melody of the tree
the magnificent beauty that she added to an already extraordinary place...
it was then... when like a thunder, the meaning stroke my living being one more time


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