Good morning - the sun says through my window.
Good morning - I reply with a smile, while thinking: life is a wonderful place to be, even better when the sun shines
Get ready, to fight another round. One more time, one more step, one more day.
3 seconds before landing
1 day before trip
1 week before the move
1 year before a known death
...Last minute is such relative thing
Drive all the way to my next destination. Time awaits nobody!
It will tic-tac its seconds away regardless of what you do with them.
This explains why we have developed ways to buy time:
Fast track
Outsourced services
Speedy transportation
Food processor
'get me and free up some time' - is their tag line
I always wonder what people do with that 'extra' time.
Do they spend it working more, just to complain when they are older
...Or maybe feeling sad for things that already happened or are yet to be
What will I do with that 'extra' time?
Why will I want more?
Isn't 90 years in average long enough to enjoy s***t lots?!
Jump quickly to my next thought:
My next destinations... Time will take me there, as a ride on it's wormhole, where I'm permanently living.
If time was a human made product it will say:
This automated machine will run without maintenance.
Will transport you through a linear universe, one where the parallelism will be imperceptible.
Recognized worldwide
Life time warranty!
Certain conditions apply:
Partial disconnection from other universes
No refund after purchase
Speed control not included No fast forwards or playback allowed
Secondary effects might occur such as:
Anxiety about death
Aging body sensation
Tested and approved by the prestigious Time Science Association
More than 7 billion sold!
Get yours now
Limited stocks
And the speakers turn on, announcing that it is my time to depart.
Sending the train of thoughts onto another direction.
My time...
fast forward,
slow down - my remaining thought
I stand up, to make the move. Knowing that even when I'm not aware of it, I'm writing my book.
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